Wednesday, November 25, 2009


is there anything wrong with peoples perception towards pocoyo? i mean , who could resist a cute little toddler-ish character that has fun everyday learning new stuff??? He's a good role model for children nowadays that stray to the dark side by watching stuff that aren't appropriate at that young age.....pocoyo is gud, nt onli dat...pocoyo makes me laugh so i guess anyone who has a prob with pocoyo might have a prob with me....embrace pocoyo...i mean how can u resist his cuteness??......embrace the new culture...POCOYO

First Post

Its probably the wrong time to start a blog but i have chosen the most crucial time to open one, during my stpm....well its kinda in between exams so i guess it ain't gonna be a prob with anyone....honestly wish i didnt take stpm...its kind of a waste as we study reli reli hard and the exams are 10 times tougher than what we expected. Well, since its a gruelling time ryte now....posting long blogs isnt gonna help me, so i guess this is my first step into the world of saying what u want, when u want n how u wanna say it...
